Welcome!!! I am so grateful you have found your way to this community. I know I always appreciate knowing a bit about the person before me, so let me take a minute to introduce myself…

I am a believer in the simple, yet complex, truth that we are each on a journey back Home, to who we truly are – beautiful, whole, beloved, whimsical, profound human Beings deeply and intrinsically linked to one another. We ARE at our core, goodness and love.

My journey has been filled with ups and downs and all arounds. Sometimes, I am tempted to regret choices I made, wish things had gone differently, wondered a million “what ifs” in every area of my life. I am coming to understand that this pull to regret is not at all helpful. Instead, I am moving into a space that allows me to feel all the feelings associated with those choices and events and their many varied consequences AND to come to a place of Peace – even so.

This process embraces the grieving and the mourning of opportunities and people lost as well as the gratitude and joy over what IS. I am beginning to truly embrace Life as it is and relish in the goodness and grace being poured out over all Creation every single moment.

I am a visionary, a thinker, a doer, a creative, a lover of life. And … sometimes I am downright lazy and overwhelmed and stuck.

In it all, I am deeply curious – curious, not only about my own journey, but also about your journey and experiences of life. I would love nothing more than to sit down together over a cup of our favorite beverages and chat and share the wonder of life and the sorrows of loss. Even though that is not likely to be physically possible, it is possible virtually here, and I hope you will feel welcomed in these words, images, and all those who enter and contribute to ARTE of WE Collective. It is my hope that you will also find ways to connect with others with whom you can gather face to face. 

In the meantime, may you purposefully find all the blessings that long to reveal themselves to you in each and every moment.

If you have a question we could explore together or a topic that would be of interest to you, please shoot me an email. There’s a link in the footer to shoot me an email.

Let’s engage!