Join us the second Wednesday of each month.
Email to receive the link: connect@arteofwe.com
Beloveds, can you believe February is here!
Take a quick look on the internet and you will see there are so many celebrations signifying the changing season in the month of February! The Celtic tradition brings us Imbolc and Candlemas, or the Feasts of Torches and Light, celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of the month respectively. From India we have Basant Panchami, The Festival of Spring, also on the 2nd. In the Hebrew culture the 12th is the day to celebrate the birthday of all trees. February 26th is Letter to an Elder Day (this may become my new favorite – if I could only convince all the younger folks I know to write me!).
One of the recurring themes is the changing of the seasons, preparing ourselves to begin to wake up from winter’s dark womb of rest and renewal. As the new baby lambs begin to appear in the fields, we are reminded of the life within us that is stirring and awaiting a time of rebirth and new hopes and dreams revealing themselves. This month we will focus on the wonder and awe of new hopes and dreams and what our hearts may be awakening to.
Please join us in the ARTE of Self Care, Wednesday, February 12th, as we consider what it is we are being invited to dream of and await for the time of birthing our dreams. What will be brought to the surface in your creativity during our time together???
The ARTE of Self Care: Engaging Creative Expression and Reflection includes time for inspiration, creative expression, reflection, and connecting it all together. Our hope is that we will each be “filled up” and ready to continue bringing light and love into the word around us. We meet up the 2nd WEDNESDAY of each month from 6:00 – 7:00pm (PT). This is online via Zoom.
Please have some kind of creative media (e.g. paint supplies, pens, pencils, coloring books, embroidery, journals, space to move or simply sit in silence) on hand to work on during the creative expression portion of our time.
Remember ~ this time is not about completing a project, but rather exploring creative expression as we honor and release the stresses of everyday life. Please join us even if you think you are not an artist or creative person as we create space for whatever arises in our time together!
You will need to register ASAP at connect@ARTEofWE.com and make sure everyone who wants to participate is added into the session.
May abundant peace and radical acceptance accompany your way!