Anam Cara comes from the Celtic tradition and translates to Soul Friend. In the midst of constant activity, noise, distractions and a busy mind, spiritual companioning can provide space to tend to one’s soul, to enter into the substance of holy listening – attending to what is here in each moment. Our time together offers the space to breathe and rest, to discern how Spirit may be leading. As a spiritual companion, I offer a safe, welcoming space to explore the big questions that arise on our journey home to our True Selves.
These sessions are a dedicated time to pay attention to and nurture your own ability to SEE the Sacred, the Divine, the Universal already present IN and Around, present each and every moment. We are ALL first and foremost spiritual beings full of love and goodness. Our passage into this physical human form and our experiences of in the realities of this world causes us to “forget” WHO we ARE. Our journey here and now is one of returning Home. I believe this work is a gift, a sacred trust and an honor, to walk alongside and be invited to witness and share in someone’s journey. The spiritual journey is not something to be done alone. Thus, spiritual companions through the centuries have journeyed with others in their life, listening with them for the Spirit’s invitations in the here and now.
A typical spiritual companioning session may include moments of silence, meditative reading, prayer, meditation, and thoughtful conversation. We enter into the session however you choose and focus on any questions or issues for discernment you bring. I have found I am healthier and happier when I am practicing and living from a place that feels more truly authentic and grace-filled for me. I hope our journeying together will help you find your own unique path of authenticity and grace in this world.
If this resonates with you and you would like more information, please reach out: